A wonderful and mysterious part of the story of Jesus’ birth is the visit from the wise men, whose study of the stars led them to take the long journey to visit the baby Jesus. Even though scholars remind us that their visit took place many months after Jesus was born, I still prefer the image of these scholarly people joining the shepherds paying tribute to the newborn baby in the manger!
I thought of the wise men (and women) as I recently read the moving devotional tribute on our website to one wise man, Herb Brokering, written by another wise man, Rich Bimler, the past president of Wheat Ridge Ministries. Seeing Rich’s and Herb’s names on the page together reminds me that God continues to send wise men and women, not just from the east, but from all directions, and places them in our lives to provide counsel, care and encouragement.
I know I haven’t always been wise enough myself to recognize the wise people in my life. But, when I do take time to rerun my life journey, it’s clear that I’ve been greatly blessed and continue to be blessed by wise mentors and guides who have reached out to help me mature spiritually, emotionally and vocationally. While not all of these people have been older than me, I still think of them as “elders,” experienced people who have walked the walk, who know who they are and whose they are, and who have been willing to invest time in the growth of others.
Who are the wise people in your life for whom you are most thankful? Who are the elders God has used as mentors, role models and guides in your life?
As 2010 begins, what a great time to consider the gifts we each offer the Christ child! Let’s pray that one of the gifts we offer is an open heart that invites God to use us as a wise person in the life of a friend, colleague, grandchild or grandparent whose journey through life and faith can be blessed by our encouragement, care and listening ears, offered in the name of the healing Christ child!
Blessings to you and yours throughout the new year!