Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sgt. Pepper and Me!

Yes, the good sergeant and I have something in common.  Fellow Beatles fans know that “it was 20 years ago today” when he taught his band to play.  It was also 20 years ago that I joined the team at Wheat Ridge Ministries.  He probably wondered, as I am, how time can pass so quickly.
My first official event as the new Wheat Ridge Vice President for Programs in 1992 was a Wheat Ridge Board of Directors meeting.  Since then, I’ve attended in person or participated by phone in 50 more.  During its most recent meeting, the board was very kind to recognize my 20 years of service.  In fine Wheat Ridge board style, and with considerable help from the Wheat Ridge staff, I received a good roasting and we had lots of fun.

I would not have imagined 20 years at Wheat Ridge when my wife, Deb, and I moved the kids from Florida in 1992.  We moved to Chicago in November … not smart from a weather perspective.  Our girls, both young at the time, had adjustments to make.  Having been born Florida and living there until our move, the shoes they wore while playing outside were more a defense against steaming hot roads and sidewalks than against cold weather.  Lots of shoes, boots and coats were purchased very quickly … Burlington Coat Factory was glad we moved north.

That's me in the center in 1992
with president Dr. Rich Bimler (left)
and Mr. Bob Hopmann, who served
as vice president for program
and finance prior to my arrival.  
What brought me to Chicago and has kept me here for 20 years has been my fascination with the mission of Wheat Ridge.  There’s something about “seeding” new ministries that grabbed me from the time my friend Rich Bimler, then President of Wheat Ridge, first talked to me about the possibility of joining the staff.  I continue to believe that we have one of the important and exciting missions a Christian organization can have as we assist emerging new ministries that are dedicated to sharing health and hope in the name of Christ.  Over the years, I’ve had the great blessing of participating in the process of awarding over 1,000 seed grants and I’ve worked with a much larger number of non-profit and congregation leaders as they engaged in the early stages of new ministry development.  These leaders continue to inspire me with their creativity, their strong faith, their deep caring about the welfare of others, and their tenacity despite the many obstacles they face in developing sustainable health and human care programs.

Likewise, I continue to be inspired by so many people who respond generously to Christ’s love by supporting Wheat Ridge’s efforts to assist new ministries.  These include our awesome family of faithful and generous donors as well as the dedicated pastors and other church leaders, judicatory officials and organizations with whom Wheat Ridge is privileged to serve, collaborate and partner.  I also continue to learn so much from the outstanding members of the Wheat Ridge board of directors and my gifted colleagues on our staff.

I look forward to seeing what God has planned for Wheat Ridge Ministries in the future.  By God’s grace, our generous donors and partners continue to provide an abundance of resources for the seeding of new ministries.  There continues to be great opportunities for Wheat Ridge to invest these resources to assist leaders who are moved by God’s Spirit to touch the lives of people in need.  Let’s keep seeding new ministries – there’s much to accomplish during the next 20 years!!