daughter, Katie, recently visited Portland, Oregon, and sent me the picture below. If you live in Portland, you’re probably very
familiar with these vending machines.
Maybe other cities have them, but it was the first time I had seen them.
It reminded me of the “gumball” machines that were so plentiful years ago. Of
course, in those days, you could buy a lot of gumballs for 50 cents.
I am really impressed by this creative approach to going green! What fun it must be to take the little bag and throw it on a patch of dirt with the hope that the seeds take root and grass and wildflowers emerge. From a Christian perspective, of course, these seed bombs are a great reminder of the parable of the sower.
Katie’s a big fan of Wheat Ridge Ministries. She keeps an eye out for things that she thinks might help me tell the story of seeding new ministries and she thought this was a winner! Indeed, Wheat Ridge is a seed bomber! We seed new ministries of health and hope, directing the resources God provides through generous people so that inspired leaders are able to develop and begin new ventures that help people experience the healing touch of Christ. As was the case in the parable of the sower, in spite of our best efforts, sometimes the seeds sown land in places and situations that just won’t allow for growth, and ministry projects never get off the ground. Occasionally, projects get off to a strong start, but the initial enthusiasm wears out or circumstances change and the effort stagnates. By God’s grace, though, the vast majority of the seeds we cast result in new ministries that bear fruit for a long, long time and impact the lives of hundreds, and often thousands, of people.
In a few months, Wheat Ridge Ministries will embark on a new way to help sow seeds of hope around the world. Rather than "seed bomb" vending machines, we will harness the power of the internet to seed an abundance of new ministries through a crowdfunding site. We see this as a "21st century" seeding tool and are very excited about the possibilities it offers!
In case you are saying to yourself, “crowd what?!,” here’s a quick explanation: Crowdfunding utilizes the power of the internet to market innovative new ideas and projects, leveraging online relationships, especially through social networking, in order to share a need and raise funds. Many such sites exist, but none are dedicated to serving as a tool for people who are initiating new Christ-centered human care initiatives and those who would like to support these projects. It is our hope and prayer that the "Starting Block" (the working title for our site) will help us significantly increase the number of new ministries we can seed. We envision large numbers of faith-based projects posted on this site, offering donors an opportunity to select and support projects that are consistent with their interest. Of course, “Starting Block” will complement the other grants and services that Wheat Ridge Ministries offers.
Thank you for being a seeder through your support for Wheat Ridge Ministries and through your daily encouragement of and involvement in new ministry efforts in your congregation and community. We are Lutherans seeding new ministries of health and hope in the name of the healing Christ. Seed bombs away!