Wednesday, March 27, 2013

High Tech - High Touch!

I doubt that in my lifetime I will see an example of God’s creative power that has grown as rapidly and has had more of an impact on every aspect of people’s lives than the advancement of computer and internet technology.

Recently, I was trying to explain to my daughter what it was like to do a research paper for school 40 years ago.  I lost her at “carbon paper.”  Since then, however, the chronology of technological advancement as it has touched my life has included the wonder of transitioning from a mimeograph machine to multi-function printer/copier (I can send a document to our office copy machine from my cell phone from anywhere!).  My first “portable” computer back in the 1980s weighed about 15 pounds and required me to insert a floppy disk with the DOS operating system every time I used it.  And, how did I ever survive being limited to a rotary land line phone?  My iPhone has more bells and whistles than I’ll ever use.

In 1982, John Naisbitt wrote the huge best seller Megatrends.  In this book, Naisbitt identified the concept of “high tech – high touch.”  His contention was that as technology advanced and we became more dependent upon machines to help us solve problems, our need for hands-on relationships and experiencing a sense of community would also increase.

I wonder if back in 1982, Naisbitt knew that “high touch” for many of us would be delivered by “high tech”?  Say what you want about Facebook, it’s hard to deny that it, as well as other marvels such as Skype and LinkedIn, helps people stay in touch and create community in ways unimaginable 20 years ago.  I celebrated a birthday last week and enjoyed receiving a barrage of congratulatory Facebook messages from colleagues, old friends, former students and relatives.  A few years ago, I would have received birthday cards from my mother and my wife, Deb.  One of our daughters lives in Germany and Deb and I have often commented that thanks to Facebook, Skype, email and text messaging, we are in touch and know more about what’s going on in her life now than when she was living in our home!

Of course, it is amazing to see how God’s gift of technological advance is impacting the high touch world of health and human care ministry.  As a case in point, I saw a report on television not long ago about the use of technology to help older adults remain in their home rather than moving to an assisted living facility.  A live video and audio link is installed in the home and a trained professional in a care facility monitors it and is available to the individual or couple at all times.  This seems like a system that would also work well as a component of a congregation’s health ministry.  I hope Wheat Ridge Ministries has the opportunity to help seed the first attempt!

I am very excited that a component of Wheat Ridge Ministries’ strategic planning involves the use of technology in new and creative ways for seeding new ministries of health and hope.  One of these is “crowdfunding.”  Imagine large numbers of new ministry initiatives posted on a website by their leaders who are making their case for the new human care venture they are trying to initiate in their community.  Imagine being able to go to this site regularly and contribute to one or more projects that catch your interest and touch your heart.  We plan to build and test such a site during the next few months.  We see this as a 21st century way for Wheat Ridge to continue and expand its seeding ministry.  Please keep this endeavor in your prayers!

The possibilities of God’s high-tech creations are worth celebrating, but the ultimate celebration comes as we experience the blessing of God’s high-touch action.  Through the death and resurrection of His only Son, we look forward to the highest touch of our loving God for eternity.  This is indeed worth “tweeting” about!  Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed.  Hallelujah!

By the way, I encourage you to connect with Wheat Ridge Ministries on Facebook and Twitter. You’ll be among the first to receive the latest information and stories about new ministry projects being seeded by Wheat Ridge; find out about upcoming webinars; learn about helpful articles we come across; and be alerted about grant deadlines and special grant opportunities.