Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Importance of Play

One day a few weeks ago, the Wheat Ridge office was closed for our annual “staff day,” a day during which we celebrate God’s gift of each other and the team ministry in which we are privileged to participate. This day is always a reminder to me of how fortunate I am to have amazing colleagues to work alongside in pursuit of the mission of Wheat Ridge.

It was also fun this year to invite the staff of Lutheran Church Charities, another Chicago-based organization, to join us for our morning session. LCC is a great servant organization, positioned as a first-responder to natural disasters and other tragedies in the Midwest and, increasingly, around the United States and even beyond.

Our presenter and facilitator for the morning was our very own Mark Schoepp, who serves as Church Relations Representative for Wheat Ridge. Mark is a great teacher and advocate for wellness of body, mind and spirit. He has developed a special interest in the wonders of the human brain and in “brain health.” Every time I hear Mark speak on this topic, I come away amazed and in awe of God’s creative miracle of the human body!

Mark’s specific theme for the morning focused on the importance of play for healthy minds, bodies and spirits. He had us using straws, duct tape, paper cups and a few other items to see who could build the tallest structure using these materials. Unfortunately, our table team lost by a few inches … but it was the sturdiest!

Even more fun and interesting to me was a discussion at our tables about the games we played individually and with others when we were children. I hadn’t thought about “Red Rover” or “Running Bases” for a long time! It was great to reminisce and think of the good times these games provided.

This discussion of brain development and the importance of play have me wondering about a number of things, including:

 Do the electronic games and toys that kids enjoy today add to or take away from the creative discovery processes that are so important for brain development? How can parents make sure that video games don’t totally replace the fun of building forts and houses out of the cardboard container that the refrigerator was delivered in?

 If play is the important “work” that a young child must engage in for reading readiness, how can we help parents resist the temptations of overly academic and test-oriented preschool and kindergarten programs?

 If current research on brain development and physical activity is anywhere near accurate, why do so many education leaders have students sitting at desks for increasingly longer stretches while recess and physical education is eliminated?

 Similarly, if the skills required by leaders are increasing “right brained” skills related to creativity, why is it that art and music programs seem to be the first programs to be eliminated in efforts to balance school budgets?

 In the midst of our business and hard work, how do we as adults not lose site of the gift of play, which is so important for both whole person wellness and for creative problem solving?

If you have thoughts about any of these questions, I’d love to hear from you! In the meantime, be sure to take some time to play!!

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